
Posted by Taction on Wednesday, December 1, 2021



当 Pod 缩容到零的时候流量会指到 Activator 上面,Activator 接收到流量以后会主动“通知”Autoscaler 做一个扩容的操作。扩容完成以后 Activator 需要等待第一个 Pod ready 之后才能把流量转发过来。这里在queue上定义了readinessProbe,通过SERVING_READINESS_PROBE环境变量可以设置queue以指定的方式(exec、tcp、http)探活服务容器是否准备好接收流量。

activator监听endpoints(还记得private的service是设置了label selector的吗,k8s会自动创建对应的endpoint)等待服务pod启动完成后,将流量转发给对应的pod。








activator从请求 header Knative-Serving-NamespaceKnative-Serving-Revision分别解析出来服务所在的namespace和revision,这两个header值是在定义kingress的时候设置的appendHeaders选项定义的,由网关自动附加。






// Handler returns a handler that records requests coming in/being finished in the stats
// machinery.
func (cr *ConcurrencyReporter) Handler(next http.Handler) http.HandlerFunc {
   return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
      revisionKey := RevIDFrom(r.Context())

      stat := cr.handleRequestIn(network.ReqEvent{Key: revisionKey, Type: network.ReqIn, Time: time.Now()})
      defer func() {
         // 主要是将并发数量-1
         cr.handleRequestOut(stat, network.ReqEvent{Key: revisionKey, Type: network.ReqOut, Time: time.Now()})

      next.ServeHTTP(w, r)

handleRequestIn定义在pkg/activator/handler/context_handler.go文件中这个函数中其主要行为就是调用getOrCreateStat函数,如果这个服务没有pod,那么msg就不为nil,而将msg发送到cr.statCh后,最终会通过websocket发送给autoscaler,autoscaler会根据其中的revision信息(namespace + name)来最终触发扩容操作。


// handleRequestIn handles an event of a request coming into the system. Returns the stats
// the outgoing event should be recorded to.
func (cr *ConcurrencyReporter) handleRequestIn(event network.ReqEvent) *revisionStats {
   // 只有是第一次请求的时候才会有msg这个信息。后续会发往activator触发扩容。
   stat, msg := cr.getOrCreateStat(event)
   if msg != nil {
      cr.statCh <- []asmetrics.StatMessage{*msg}
 // 记录并发数量+1,记录请求数量+1.请求结束时也会调用下面逻辑,并发数量会在请求结束时被减掉。
   return stat



// getOrCreateStat gets a stat from the state if present.
// If absent it creates a new one and returns it, potentially returning a StatMessage too
// to trigger an immediate scale-from-0.
func (cr *ConcurrencyReporter) getOrCreateStat(event network.ReqEvent) (*revisionStats, *asmetrics.StatMessage) {
	stat := cr.stats[event.Key]
	if stat != nil {
		// Since this is incremented under the lock, it's guaranteed to be observed by
		// the deletion routine.
		return stat, nil

	// Doubly checked locking.
	defer cr.mux.Unlock()

	stat = cr.stats[event.Key]
	if stat != nil {
		// Since this is incremented under the lock, it's guaranteed to be observed by
		// the deletion routine.
		return stat, nil

	stat = &revisionStats{
		stats:        network.NewRequestStats(event.Time),
		firstRequest: 1,
	cr.stats[event.Key] = stat

	return stat, &asmetrics.StatMessage{
		// 这里是被请求服务的Namespace和版本Name
		Key: event.Key,
		Stat: asmetrics.Stat{
		  // 这个是activator自己的实际pod名称。
			PodName:                   cr.podName,
			AverageConcurrentRequests: 1,
			// The way the checks are written, this cannot ever be
			// anything else but 1. The stats map key is only deleted
			// after a reporting period, so we see this code path at most
			// once per period.
			RequestCount: 1,




func (a *activationHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   config := activatorconfig.FromContext(r.Context())
   tracingEnabled := config.Tracing.Backend != tracingconfig.None

   tryContext, trySpan := r.Context(), (*trace.Span)(nil)
   if tracingEnabled {
      tryContext, trySpan = trace.StartSpan(r.Context(), "throttler_try")

   revID := RevIDFrom(r.Context())
   if err := a.throttler.Try(tryContext, revID, func(dest string) error {
      // 当pod被启动后,即会执行此函数的内部逻辑,对请求进行转发

      proxyCtx, proxySpan := r.Context(), (*trace.Span)(nil)
      if tracingEnabled {
         proxyCtx, proxySpan = trace.StartSpan(r.Context(), "activator_proxy")
      a.proxyRequest(revID, w, r.WithContext(proxyCtx), dest, tracingEnabled, a.usePassthroughLb)

      return nil
   }); err != nil {
      // Set error on our capacity waiting span and end it.
      trySpan.Annotate([]trace.Attribute{trace.StringAttribute("activator.throttler.error", err.Error())}, "ThrottlerTry")

      a.logger.Errorw("Throttler try error", zap.String(logkey.Key, revID.String()), zap.Error(err))

      if errors.Is(err, context.DeadlineExceeded) || errors.Is(err, queue.ErrRequestQueueFull) {
         http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusServiceUnavailable)
      } else {


func (rt *revisionThrottler) try(ctx context.Context, function func(string) error) error {
   var ret error

   // Retrying infinitely as long as we receive no dest. Outer semaphore and inner
   // pod capacity are not changed atomically, hence they can race each other. We
   // "reenqueue" requests should that happen.
   reenqueue := true
   for reenqueue {
      reenqueue = false
      if err := rt.breaker.Maybe(ctx, func() {
         cb, tracker := rt.acquireDest(ctx)
         if tracker == nil {
            // This can happen if individual requests raced each other or if pod
            // capacity was decreased after passing the outer semaphore.
            reenqueue = true
         defer cb()
         // We already reserved a guaranteed spot. So just execute the passed functor.
         ret = function(tracker.dest)
      }); err != nil {
         return err
   return ret

maybe函数主要是检查是否activator hold住的请求数量达到配置上限,如果达到了就直接丢弃。否则调用 b.sem.acquire(ctx)阻塞等待信号量。

// Maybe conditionally executes thunk based on the Breaker concurrency
// and queue parameters. If the concurrency limit and queue capacity are
// already consumed, Maybe returns immediately without calling thunk. If
// the thunk was executed, Maybe returns nil, else error.
func (b *Breaker) Maybe(ctx context.Context, thunk func()) error {
   if !b.tryAcquirePending() {
      return ErrRequestQueueFull

   defer b.releasePending()

   // Wait for capacity in the active queue.
   if err := b.sem.acquire(ctx); err != nil {
      return err
   // Defer releasing capacity in the active.
   // It's safe to ignore the error returned by release since we
   // make sure the semaphore is only manipulated here and acquire
   // + release calls are equally paired.
   defer b.sem.release()

   // Do the thing.
   // Report success
   return nil


// acquire acquires capacity from the semaphore.
func (s *semaphore) acquire(ctx context.Context) error {
   for {
      old := s.state.Load()
      capacity, in := unpack(old)

      if in >= capacity {
         select {
         case <-ctx.Done():
            return ctx.Err()
         case <-s.queue:
         // Force reload state.

      if s.state.CAS(old, pack(capacity, in)) {
         return nil



由于服务副本数量变化是通过k8s client监听的,通过通道传递。这里先解析在副本数量变动后如何处理,如何向上文中的通道发送数据。


func (t *Throttler) run(updateCh <-chan revisionDestsUpdate) {
   for {
      select {
      case update, ok := <-updateCh:
         if !ok {
            t.logger.Info("The Throttler has stopped.")
      case eps := <-t.epsUpdateCh:


func (rt *revisionThrottler) handleUpdate(update revisionDestsUpdate) {
   rt.logger.Debugw("Handling update",
      zap.String("ClusterIP", update.ClusterIPDest), zap.Object("dests", logging.StringSet(update.Dests)))

   // ClusterIP is not yet ready, so we want to send requests directly to the pods.
   // NB: this will not be called in parallel, thus we can build a new podTrackers
   // array before taking out a lock.
   if update.ClusterIPDest == "" {
      // Create a map for fast lookup of existing trackers.
      trackersMap := make(map[string]*podTracker, len(rt.podTrackers))
      for _, tracker := range rt.podTrackers {
         trackersMap[tracker.dest] = tracker

      trackers := make([]*podTracker, 0, len(update.Dests))

      // Loop over dests, reuse existing tracker if we have one, otherwise create
      // a new one.
      for newDest := range update.Dests {
         tracker, ok := trackersMap[newDest]
         if !ok {
            if rt.containerConcurrency == 0 {
               tracker = newPodTracker(newDest, nil)
            } else {
               tracker = newPodTracker(newDest, queue.NewBreaker(queue.BreakerParams{
                  QueueDepth:      breakerQueueDepth,
                  MaxConcurrency:  rt.containerConcurrency,
                  InitialCapacity: rt.containerConcurrency, // Presume full unused capacity.
         trackers = append(trackers, tracker)

      rt.updateThrottlerState(len(update.Dests), trackers, nil /*clusterIP*/)

   rt.updateThrottlerState(len(update.Dests), nil /*trackers*/, newPodTracker(update.ClusterIPDest, nil))


func (rt *revisionThrottler) updateThrottlerState(backendCount int, trackers []*podTracker, clusterIPDest *podTracker) {
   rt.logger.Infof("Updating Revision Throttler with: clusterIP = %v, trackers = %d, backends = %d",
      clusterIPDest, len(trackers), backendCount)

   // Update trackers / clusterIP before capacity. Otherwise we can race updating our breaker when
   // we increase capacity, causing a request to fall through before a tracker is added, causing an
   // incorrect LB decision.
   if func() bool {
      defer rt.mux.Unlock()
      rt.podTrackers = trackers
      rt.clusterIPTracker = clusterIPDest
      return clusterIPDest != nil || len(trackers) > 0
   }() {
      // If we have an address to target, then pass through an accurate
      // accounting of the number of backends.
   } else {
      // If we do not have an address to target, then we should treat it
      // as though we have zero backends.

updateCapacity最终根据pod数量计算出可以放行的最大请求数(即pod数量 * 每个pod允许并发数 / activator数量),然后调用BreakerUpdateConcurrency函数(还记得这个breaker吗,这就是上文中hold住流量等待信号量的breaker),它调用了自己的信号量的UpdateConcurrency来最终通知到那些在阻塞等待的请求。

// updateCapacity updates the capacity of the throttler and recomputes
// the assigned trackers to the Activator instance.
// Currently updateCapacity is ensured to be invoked from a single go routine
// and this does not synchronize
func (rt *revisionThrottler) updateCapacity(backendCount int) {
   // We have to make assignments on each updateCapacity, since if number
   // of activators changes, then we need to rebalance the assignedTrackers.
   ac, ai := int(rt.numActivators.Load()), int(rt.activatorIndex.Load())
   numTrackers := func() int {
      // We do not have to process the `podTrackers` under lock, since
      // updateCapacity is guaranteed to be executed by a single goroutine.
      // But `assignedTrackers` is being read by the serving thread, so the
      // actual assignment has to be done under lock.

      // We're using cluster IP.
      if rt.clusterIPTracker != nil {
         return 0

      // Sort, so we get more or less stable results.
      sort.Slice(rt.podTrackers, func(i, j int) bool {
         return rt.podTrackers[i].dest < rt.podTrackers[j].dest
      assigned := rt.podTrackers
      if rt.containerConcurrency > 0 {
         assigned = assignSlice(rt.podTrackers, ai, ac, rt.containerConcurrency)
      rt.logger.Debugf("Trackers %d/%d: assignment: %v", ai, ac, assigned)
      // The actual write out of the assigned trackers has to be under lock.
      defer rt.mux.Unlock()
      rt.assignedTrackers = assigned
      return len(assigned)

   capacity := 0
   if numTrackers > 0 {
      // Capacity is computed based off of number of trackers,
      // when using pod direct routing.
      capacity = rt.calculateCapacity(len(rt.podTrackers), ac)
   } else {
      // Capacity is computed off of number of ready backends,
      // when we are using clusterIP routing.
      capacity = rt.calculateCapacity(backendCount, ac)
   rt.logger.Infof("Set capacity to %d (backends: %d, index: %d/%d)",
      capacity, backendCount, ai, ac)

   rt.backendCount = backendCount

// UpdateConcurrency updates the maximum number of in-flight requests.
func (b *Breaker) UpdateConcurrency(size int) {

可以看到这里就是向s.queue发送了指定数量的数据,以放行这些流量。(// todo 这个时候pod扩缩容了会是什么情况)

// updateCapacity updates the capacity of the semaphore to the desired size.
func (s *semaphore) updateCapacity(size int) {
	s64 := uint64(size)
	for {
		old := s.state.Load()
		capacity, in := unpack(old)

		if capacity == s64 {
			// Nothing to do, exit early.

		if s.state.CAS(old, pack(s64, in)) {
			if s64 > capacity {
				for i := uint64(0); i < s64-capacity; i++ {
					select {
					case s.queue <- struct{}{}:
						// See comment in `release` for explanation of this case.

˙重点监听revision状态变化逻辑在pkg/activator/net/revision_backends.go定义。在去掉一些其他逻辑后,从下面可以看出在newRevisionBackendsManagerWithProbeFrequency函数中定义了对private service对应的endpoint的监听。Throttler的Run函数将监听到的变化和上文中副本数量变化的处理部分衔接起来。update channle中发送的是revision信息(name和namespace)。



// Run starts the throttler and blocks until the context is done.
func (t *Throttler) Run(ctx context.Context, probeTransport http.RoundTripper, usePassthroughLb bool, meshMode network.MeshCompatibilityMode) {
	rbm := newRevisionBackendsManager(ctx, probeTransport, usePassthroughLb, meshMode)
	// Update channel is closed when ctx is done.

func newRevisionBackendsManager(ctx context.Context, tr http.RoundTripper, usePassthroughLb bool, meshMode network.MeshCompatibilityMode) *revisionBackendsManager {
	return newRevisionBackendsManagerWithProbeFrequency(ctx, tr, usePassthroughLb, meshMode, defaultProbeFrequency)

func newRevisionBackendsManagerWithProbeFrequency(ctx context.Context, tr http.RoundTripper,
   usePassthroughLb bool, meshMode network.MeshCompatibilityMode, probeFreq time.Duration) *revisionBackendsManager {
   rbm := &revisionBackendsManager{
      // ...
   endpointsInformer := endpointsinformer.Get(ctx)
      FilterFunc: reconciler.ChainFilterFuncs(
         // We are only interested in the private services, since that is
         // what is populated by the actual revision backends.
         reconciler.LabelFilterFunc(networking.ServiceTypeKey, string(networking.ServiceTypePrivate), false),
      Handler: cache.ResourceEventHandlerFuncs{
         AddFunc:    rbm.endpointsUpdated,
         UpdateFunc: controller.PassNew(rbm.endpointsUpdated),
         DeleteFunc: rbm.endpointsDeleted,
  // ...
   return rbm


// endpointsUpdated is a handler function to be used by the Endpoints informer.
// It updates the endpoints in the RevisionBackendsManager if the hosts changed
func (rbm *revisionBackendsManager) endpointsUpdated(newObj interface{}) {
   // Ignore the updates when we've terminated.
   select {
   case <-rbm.ctx.Done():
   endpoints := newObj.(*corev1.Endpoints)
   revID := types.NamespacedName{Namespace: endpoints.Namespace, Name: endpoints.Labels[serving.RevisionLabelKey]}

   rw, err := rbm.getOrCreateRevisionWatcher(revID)
   if err != nil {
      rbm.logger.Errorw("Failed to get revision watcher", zap.Error(err), zap.String(logkey.Key, revID.String()))
   ready, notReady := endpointsToDests(endpoints, pkgnet.ServicePortName(rw.protocol))
   select {
   case <-rbm.ctx.Done():
   case rw.destsCh <- dests{ready: ready, notReady: notReady}:

revision watcher在被创建的时候会起协程运行run函数,每当通道内有消息的时候会将信息进行处理并交由checkDests进一步处理,最终在这个函数中交由sendUpdate将更新信息发到update channel中,这个channel就是一开始提到的。


func (rw *revisionWatcher) run(probeFrequency time.Duration) {
	defer close(rw.done)

	var curDests, prevDests dests
	for {

		select {
		case <-rw.stopCh:
		case x := <-rw.destsCh:
			rw.logger.Debugf("Updating Endpoints: ready backends: %d, not-ready backends: %d", len(x.ready), len(x.notReady))
			prevDests, curDests = curDests, x

		rw.checkDests(curDests, prevDests)

checkDests函数首先查看是否是缩容到0,如果是就直接发送pod已经缩容到0的通知逻辑。这一块逻辑稍微有点复杂,但是目标很简单,就是将现在这个服务的clusterIP和pod访问地址交由sendUpdate进一步处理。而sendUpdate就是将数据封装一下加上revision信息发送到update 通道。从而触发了上面副本变化的处理逻辑。

// checkDests performs probing and potentially sends a dests update. It is
// assumed this method is not called concurrently.
func (rw *revisionWatcher) checkDests(curDests, prevDests dests) {
   // 缩容到0后的处理
   if len(curDests.ready) == 0 && len(curDests.notReady) == 0 {
      // We must have scaled down.
      rw.clusterIPHealthy = false
      rw.healthyPods = nil
      rw.logger.Debug("ClusterIP is no longer healthy.")
      // Send update that we are now inactive (both params invalid).
      rw.sendUpdate("", nil)

   // If we have discovered (or have been told via meshMode) that this revision
   // cannot be probed directly do not spend time trying.
   if rw.podsAddressable && rw.meshMode != network.MeshCompatibilityModeEnabled {
      // reprobe set contains the targets that moved from ready to non-ready set.
      // so they have to be re-probed.
      reprobe := curDests.becameNonReady(prevDests)
      if len(reprobe) > 0 {
         rw.logger.Infow("Need to reprobe pods who became non-ready",
            zap.Object("IPs", logging.StringSet(reprobe)))
         // Trim the pods that migrated to the non-ready set from the
         // ready set from the healthy pods. They will automatically
         // probed below.
         for p := range reprobe {
      // First check the pod IPs. If we can individually address
      // the Pods we should go that route, since it permits us to do
      // precise load balancing in the throttler.
      hs, noop, notMesh, err := rw.probePodIPs(curDests.ready, curDests.notReady)
      if err != nil {
         rw.logger.Warnw("Failed probing pods", zap.Object("curDests", curDests), zap.Error(err))
         // We dont want to return here as an error still affects health states.

      // We need to send update if reprobe is non-empty, since the state
      // of the world has been changed.
      rw.logger.Debugf("Done probing, got %d healthy pods", len(hs))
      if !noop || len(reprobe) > 0 {
         rw.healthyPods = hs
         // Note: it's important that this copies (via hs.Union) the healthy pods
         // set before sending the update to avoid concurrent modifications
         // affecting the throttler, which iterates over the set.
         rw.sendUpdate("" /*clusterIP*/, hs.Union(nil))
      // no-op, and we have successfully probed at least one pod.
      if len(hs) > 0 {
      // We didn't get any pods, but we know the mesh is not enabled since we got
      // a non-mesh status code while probing, so we don't want to fall back.
      if notMesh {

   if rw.usePassthroughLb {
      // If passthrough lb is enabled we do not want to fall back to going via the
      // clusterIP and instead want to exit early.

   if rw.meshMode == network.MeshCompatibilityModeDisabled {
      // If mesh is disabled we always want to use direct pod addressing, and
      // will not fall back to clusterIP.

   // If we failed to probe even a single pod, check the clusterIP.
   // NB: We can't cache the IP address, since user might go rogue
   // and delete the K8s service. We'll fix it, but the cluster IP will be different.
   dest, err := rw.getDest()
   if err != nil {
      rw.logger.Errorw("Failed to determine service destination", zap.Error(err))

   // If cluster IP is healthy and we haven't scaled down, short circuit.
   if rw.clusterIPHealthy {
      rw.logger.Debugf("ClusterIP %s already probed (ready backends: %d)", dest, len(curDests.ready))
      rw.sendUpdate(dest, curDests.ready)

   // If clusterIP is healthy send this update and we are done.
   if ok, err := rw.probeClusterIP(dest); err != nil {
      rw.logger.Errorw("Failed to probe clusterIP "+dest, zap.Error(err))
   } else if ok {
      // We can reach here only iff pods are not successfully individually probed
      // but ClusterIP conversely has been successfully probed.
      rw.podsAddressable = false
      rw.logger.Debugf("ClusterIP is successfully probed: %s (ready backends: %d)", dest, len(curDests.ready))
      rw.clusterIPHealthy = true
      rw.healthyPods = nil
      rw.sendUpdate(dest, curDests.ready)

func (rw *revisionWatcher) sendUpdate(clusterIP string, dests sets.String) {
	select {
	case <-rw.stopCh:
		rw.updateCh <- revisionDestsUpdate{Rev: rw.rev, ClusterIPDest: clusterIP, Dests: dests}




首先让我们把目光聚焦到接收activator 发送的metrics并进行处理的逻辑。statserver启动一个websocket服务器,接收activator在服务没有副本的时候发送的流量参数,标志着这个服务需要立即从0扩容。这里通过statsCh将指标的接收与处理解耦开来。

func main() {
  // ......

   // autoscaler在接收到从websocket上报的指标后,会把消息内容发送到这个通道中进行异步处理。
   // statsCh is the main communication channel between the stats server and multiscaler.
   statsCh := make(chan asmetrics.StatMessage, statsBufferLen)
   defer close(statsCh)
  // ......
  	// accept is the func to call when this pod owns the Revision for this StatMessage.
  // 实际有了请求之后,冷启动时发送过来的信息
	accept := func(sm asmetrics.StatMessage) {
    // 这个就是将指标发给统计的,在计算扩缩容状态的时候就会用到这些指标
		collector.Record(sm.Key, time.Unix(sm.Stat.Timestamp, 0), sm.Stat)
		multiScaler.Poke(sm.Key, sm.Stat)

	var f *statforwarder.Forwarder
	if b, bs, err := leaderelection.NewStatefulSetBucketAndSet(int(cc.Buckets)); err == nil {
		logger.Info("Running with StatefulSet leader election")
		ctx = leaderelection.WithStatefulSetElectorBuilder(ctx, cc, b)
		f = statforwarder.New(ctx, bs)
		if err := statforwarder.StatefulSetBasedProcessor(ctx, f, accept); err != nil {
			logger.Fatalw("Failed to set up statefulset processors", zap.Error(err))
	} else {
		logger.Info("Running with Standard leader election")
		ctx = leaderelection.WithStandardLeaderElectorBuilder(ctx, kubeClient, cc)
		f = statforwarder.New(ctx, bucket.AutoscalerBucketSet(cc.Buckets))
		if err := statforwarder.LeaseBasedProcessor(ctx, f, accept); err != nil {
			logger.Fatalw("Failed to set up lease tracking", zap.Error(err))

   // Set up a statserver.
   statsServer := statserver.New(statsServerAddr, statsCh, logger, f.IsBucketOwner)

   defer f.Cancel()

   go controller.StartAll(ctx, controllers...)

   go func() {
      for sm := range statsCh {
         // Set the timestamp when first receiving the stat.
         if sm.Stat.Timestamp == 0 {
            sm.Stat.Timestamp = time.Now().Unix()

   profilingServer := profiling.NewServer(profilingHandler)

   eg, egCtx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)


// Process enqueues the given Stat for processing asynchronously.
// It calls Forwarder.accept if the pod where this Forwarder is running is the owner
// of the given StatMessage. Otherwise it forwards the given StatMessage to the right
// owner pod. It will retry if any error happens during the processing.
func (f *Forwarder) Process(sm asmetrics.StatMessage) {
   f.statCh <- stat{sm: sm, retry: 0}

func (f *Forwarder) process() {
   defer func() {

   for {
      select {
      case <-f.stopCh:
      case s := <-f.statCh:
         rev :=
         l := f.logger.With(zap.String(logkey.Key, rev))
         bkt :=

         // 获取processor,由于高可用情况下存在多个autoscaler副本,但是只有一个能处理。所以processor也有两种类型
         p := f.getProcessor(bkt)
         if p == nil {
            l.Warn("Can't find the owner for Revision bucket: ", bkt)
            f.maybeRetry(l, s)

         if err := p.process(; err != nil {
            l.Errorw("Error while processing stat", zap.Error(err))
            f.maybeRetry(l, s)


func (p *localProcessor) process(sm asmetrics.StatMessage) error {
	l := p.logger.With(zap.String(logkey.Key, sm.Key.String()))
	l.Debug("Accept stat as owner of bucket ", p.bkt)
	return nil

// accept 对应在main函数中定义的函数,传递进来的
accept := func(sm asmetrics.StatMessage) {
    // 这个就是将指标发给统计的,在计算扩缩容状态的时候就会用到这些指标
		collector.Record(sm.Key, time.Unix(sm.Stat.Timestamp, 0), sm.Stat)
		multiScaler.Poke(sm.Key, sm.Stat)


// 这个函数的作用就是检查是否立即触发扩容
// Poke checks if the autoscaler needs to be run immediately.
func (m *MultiScaler) Poke(key types.NamespacedName, stat metrics.Stat) {
   defer m.scalersMutex.RUnlock()

   scaler, exists := m.scalers[key]
   if !exists {

   if scaler.latestScale() == 0 && stat.AverageConcurrentRequests != 0 {
      scaler.pokeCh <- struct{}{}



func (m *MultiScaler) runScalerTicker(runner *scalerRunner, metricKey types.NamespacedName) {
   ticker := m.tickProvider(tickInterval)
   go func() {
      defer ticker.Stop()
      for {
         select {
         case <-m.scalersStopCh:
         case <-runner.stopCh:
         case <-ticker.C:
            m.tickScaler(runner.scaler, runner, metricKey)
         case <-runner.pokeCh:
            m.tickScaler(runner.scaler, runner, metricKey)

func (m *MultiScaler) tickScaler(scaler UniScaler, runner *scalerRunner, metricKey types.NamespacedName) {
  // scaler.Scale是一个比较复杂的函数,其主要作用就是计算期望副本数。其返回值结构体如下:
  //type ScaleResult struct {
	//  期望副本数.
	//	DesiredPodCount int32
	//  是考虑到目标突发容量的修正后的满负荷容量.
	//	ExcessBurstCapacity int32
	//  这个结果是否有用
	//	ScaleValid bool
	sr := scaler.Scale(runner.logger, time.Now())

	if !sr.ScaleValid {

  // scalerRunner也是一个非常核心的struct,这里主要就是将计算结构更新到自己的结构体内部字段。特别是期望副本数,在其他地方想要取期望副本数的时候,就通过此结构体取。
	if runner.updateLatestScale(sr) {


// Scale calculates the desired scale based on current statistics given the current time.
// desiredPodCount is the calculated pod count the autoscaler would like to set.
// validScale signifies whether the desiredPodCount should be applied or not.
// Scale is not thread safe in regards to panic state, but it's thread safe in
// regards to acquiring the decider spec.
func (a *autoscaler) Scale(logger *zap.SugaredLogger, now time.Time) ScaleResult {
   desugared := logger.Desugar()
   debugEnabled := desugared.Core().Enabled(zapcore.DebugLevel)

   // 获取缩放配置
   spec := a.currentSpec()
   // 获取ready的pod的数量
   originalReadyPodsCount, err := a.podCounter.ReadyCount()
   // If the error is NotFound, then presume 0.
   if err != nil && !apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
      logger.Errorw("Failed to get ready pod count via K8S Lister", zap.Error(err))
      return invalidSR
   // Use 1 if there are zero current pods.
   readyPodsCount := math.Max(1, float64(originalReadyPodsCount))

   metricKey := types.NamespacedName{Namespace: a.namespace, Name: a.revision}

   metricName := spec.ScalingMetric
   var observedStableValue, observedPanicValue float64
   // 对应两种扩容模式:并发数RPS、每秒请求数concurrency
   switch spec.ScalingMetric {
   case autoscaling.RPS:
      observedStableValue, observedPanicValue, err = a.metricClient.StableAndPanicRPS(metricKey, now)
      metricName = autoscaling.Concurrency // concurrency is used by default
      observedStableValue, observedPanicValue, err = a.metricClient.StableAndPanicConcurrency(metricKey, now)

   if err != nil {
      if errors.Is(err, metrics.ErrNoData) {
         logger.Debug("No data to scale on yet")
      } else {
         logger.Errorw("Failed to obtain metrics", zap.Error(err))
      return invalidSR

   // 根据获取的指标数据计算需要的pod数量
   // Make sure we don't get stuck with the same number of pods, if the scale up rate
   // is too conservative and MaxScaleUp*RPC==RPC, so this permits us to grow at least by a single
   // pod if we need to scale up.
   // E.g. MSUR=1.1, OCC=3, RPC=2, TV=1 => OCC/TV=3, MSU=2.2 => DSPC=2, while we definitely, need
   // 3 pods. See the unit test for this scenario in action.
   maxScaleUp := math.Ceil(spec.MaxScaleUpRate * readyPodsCount)
   // Same logic, opposite math applies here.
   maxScaleDown := 0.
   if spec.Reachable {
      maxScaleDown = math.Floor(readyPodsCount / spec.MaxScaleDownRate)

   dspc := math.Ceil(observedStableValue / spec.TargetValue)
   dppc := math.Ceil(observedPanicValue / spec.TargetValue)
   if debugEnabled {
         fmt.Sprintf("For metric %s observed values: stable = %0.3f; panic = %0.3f; target = %0.3f "+
            "Desired StablePodCount = %0.0f, PanicPodCount = %0.0f, ReadyEndpointCount = %d, MaxScaleUp = %0.0f, MaxScaleDown = %0.0f",
            metricName, observedStableValue, observedPanicValue, spec.TargetValue,
            dspc, dppc, originalReadyPodsCount, maxScaleUp, maxScaleDown))

   // We want to keep desired pod count in the  [maxScaleDown, maxScaleUp] range.
   desiredStablePodCount := int32(math.Min(math.Max(dspc, maxScaleDown), maxScaleUp))
   desiredPanicPodCount := int32(math.Min(math.Max(dppc, maxScaleDown), maxScaleUp))

   isOverPanicThreshold := dppc/readyPodsCount >= spec.PanicThreshold

   if a.panicTime.IsZero() && isOverPanicThreshold {
      // Begin panicking when we cross the threshold in the panic window.
      a.panicTime = now
      pkgmetrics.Record(a.reporterCtx, panicM.M(1))
   } else if isOverPanicThreshold {
      // If we're still over panic threshold right now — extend the panic window.
      a.panicTime = now
   } else if !a.panicTime.IsZero() && !isOverPanicThreshold && a.panicTime.Add(spec.StableWindow).Before(now) {
      // Stop panicking after the surge has made its way into the stable metric.
      a.panicTime = time.Time{}
      a.maxPanicPods = 0
      pkgmetrics.Record(a.reporterCtx, panicM.M(0))

   desiredPodCount := desiredStablePodCount
   if !a.panicTime.IsZero() {
      // In some edgecases stable window metric might be larger
      // than panic one. And we should provision for stable as for panic,
      // so pick the larger of the two.
      if desiredPodCount < desiredPanicPodCount {
         desiredPodCount = desiredPanicPodCount
      logger.Debug("Operating in panic mode.")
      // We do not scale down while in panic mode. Only increases will be applied.
      if desiredPodCount > a.maxPanicPods {
         logger.Infof("Increasing pods count from %d to %d.", originalReadyPodsCount, desiredPodCount)
         a.maxPanicPods = desiredPodCount
      } else if desiredPodCount < a.maxPanicPods {
         logger.Infof("Skipping pod count decrease from %d to %d.", a.maxPanicPods, desiredPodCount)
      desiredPodCount = a.maxPanicPods
   } else {
      logger.Debug("Operating in stable mode.")

   // Delay scale down decisions, if a ScaleDownDelay was specified.
   // We only do this if there's a non-nil delayWindow because although a
   // one-element delay window is _almost_ the same as no delay at all, it is
   // not the same in the case where two Scale()s happen in the same time
   // interval (because the largest will be picked rather than the most recent
   // in that case).
   if a.delayWindow != nil {
      a.delayWindow.Record(now, desiredPodCount)
      delayedPodCount := a.delayWindow.Current()
      if delayedPodCount != desiredPodCount {
         if debugEnabled {
               fmt.Sprintf("Delaying scale to %d, staying at %d",
                  desiredPodCount, delayedPodCount))
         desiredPodCount = delayedPodCount

   // Compute excess burst capacity
   // the excess burst capacity is based on panic value, since we don't want to
   // be making knee-jerk decisions about Activator in the request path.
   // Negative EBC means that the deployment does not have enough capacity to serve
   // the desired burst off hand.
   // EBC = TotCapacity - Cur#ReqInFlight - TargetBurstCapacity
   excessBCF := -1.
   switch {
   case spec.TargetBurstCapacity == 0:
      excessBCF = 0
   case spec.TargetBurstCapacity > 0:
      totCap := float64(originalReadyPodsCount) * spec.TotalValue
      excessBCF = math.Floor(totCap - spec.TargetBurstCapacity - observedPanicValue)

   if debugEnabled {
      desugared.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("PodCount=%d Total1PodCapacity=%0.3f ObsStableValue=%0.3f ObsPanicValue=%0.3f TargetBC=%0.3f ExcessBC=%0.3f",
         originalReadyPodsCount, spec.TotalValue, observedStableValue,
         observedPanicValue, spec.TargetBurstCapacity, excessBCF))

   switch spec.ScalingMetric {
   case autoscaling.RPS:

   return ScaleResult{
      DesiredPodCount:     desiredPodCount,
      ExcessBurstCapacity: int32(excessBCF),
      ScaleValid:          true,


func (sr *scalerRunner) updateLatestScale(sRes ScaleResult) bool {
	ret := false
	defer sr.mux.Unlock()
	if sr.decider.Status.DesiredScale != sRes.DesiredPodCount {
		sr.decider.Status.DesiredScale = sRes.DesiredPodCount
		ret = true

	// If sign has changed -- then we have to update KPA.
	ret = ret || !sameSign(sr.decider.Status.ExcessBurstCapacity, sRes.ExcessBurstCapacity)

	// Update with the latest calculation anyway.
	sr.decider.Status.ExcessBurstCapacity = sRes.ExcessBurstCapacity
	return ret


// Inform sends an update to the registered watcher function, if it is set.
func (m *MultiScaler) Inform(event types.NamespacedName) bool {
   defer m.watcherMutex.RUnlock()

   if m.watcher != nil {
      return true
   return false
// 上面函数中的m.watcher就是对应此函数,在pkg/reconciler/autoscaling/kpa/controller.go文件`NewController`函数中被赋值的
// EnqueueKey takes a namespace/name string and puts it onto the work queue.
func (c *Impl) EnqueueKey(key types.NamespacedName) {

	if logger := c.logger.Desugar(); logger.Core().Enabled(zapcore.DebugLevel) {
		logger.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Adding to queue %s (depth: %d)", safeKey(key), c.workQueue.Len()),
			zap.String(logkey.Key, key.String()))

Worker queue的内容最终会在processNextWorkItem函数中消费。这个函数就是一个集散中心是个通用的函数,每个crd都会有一个对应的controller实例,这里核心就是对c.Reconciler.Reconcile函数的调用,这个函数会根据具体情况决定后续执行ReconcileKind还是销毁后的清理还是观察。在当前情况下会转到kpa对应的ReconcileKind函数。

// processNextWorkItem will read a single work item off the workqueue and
// attempt to process it, by calling Reconcile on our Reconciler.
func (c *Impl) processNextWorkItem() bool {
   obj, shutdown := c.workQueue.Get()
   if shutdown {
      return false
   key := obj.(types.NamespacedName)
   keyStr := safeKey(key)

   c.logger.Debugf("Processing from queue %s (depth: %d)", safeKey(key), c.workQueue.Len())

   startTime := time.Now()
   // Send the metrics for the current queue depth

   var err error
   defer func() {
      status := trueString
      if err != nil {
         status = falseString
      c.statsReporter.ReportReconcile(time.Since(startTime), status, key)

      // We call Done here so the workqueue knows we have finished
      // processing this item. We also must remember to call Forget if
      // reconcile succeeds. If a transient error occurs, we do not call
      // Forget and put the item back to the queue with an increased
      // delay.

   // Embed the key into the logger and attach that to the context we pass
   // to the Reconciler.
   logger := c.logger.With(zap.String(logkey.TraceID, uuid.NewString()), zap.String(logkey.Key, keyStr))
   ctx := logging.WithLogger(context.Background(), logger)

   // Run Reconcile, passing it the namespace/name string of the
   // resource to be synced.
   // 这个函数主要是根据节点是否是leader及是否是删除事件决定需要应用的函数是什么
   if err = c.Reconciler.Reconcile(ctx, keyStr); err != nil {
      c.handleErr(logger, err, key, startTime)
      return true

   // Finally, if no error occurs we Forget this item so it does not
   // have any delay when another change happens.
   logger.Infow("Reconcile succeeded", zap.Duration("duration", time.Since(startTime)))

   return true

后续会调用kpa(以实际缩放类型为准,如果缩放类型是kpa的话)的ReconcileKind,这个函数比较长,我们划一下重点:ReconcileSKSreconcileDeciderReconcileMetricwant, err := c.scaler.scale(ctx, pa, sks, decider.Status.DesiredScale)computeStatus.其中 ReconcileSKSreconcileDeciderReconcileMetric都是对对应crd的更新,只有一个例外Decider它不是个实实在在创建到k8s的crd。其中computeStatus其实也是对crd的更新,只不过是更新PodAutoscaler.那么到目前还没有提到的want, err := c.scaler.scale(ctx, pa, sks, decider.Status.DesiredScale)函数就是做了实际对deployment进行缩放的逻辑。

func (c *Reconciler) ReconcileKind(ctx context.Context, pa *autoscalingv1alpha1.PodAutoscaler) pkgreconciler.Event {
   ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 10*time.Second)
   defer cancel()

   logger := logging.FromContext(ctx)

   // We need the SKS object in order to optimize scale to zero
   // performance. It is OK if SKS is nil at this point.
   sksName := anames.SKS(pa.Name)
   sks, err := c.SKSLister.ServerlessServices(pa.Namespace).Get(sksName)
   if err != nil && !errors.IsNotFound(err) {
      logger.Warnw("Error retrieving SKS for Scaler", zap.Error(err))

   // Having an SKS and its PrivateServiceName is a prerequisite for all upcoming steps.
   if sks == nil || sks.Status.PrivateServiceName == "" {
      // Before we can reconcile decider and get real number of activators
      // we start with default of 2.
      if _, err = c.ReconcileSKS(ctx, pa, nv1alpha1.SKSOperationModeServe, minActivators); err != nil {
         return fmt.Errorf("error reconciling SKS: %w", err)
      pa.Status.MarkSKSNotReady(noPrivateServiceName) // In both cases this is true.
      computeStatus(ctx, pa, podCounts{want: scaleUnknown}, logger)
      return nil

   pa.Status.MetricsServiceName = sks.Status.PrivateServiceName
   decider, err := c.reconcileDecider(ctx, pa)
   if err != nil {
      return fmt.Errorf("error reconciling Decider: %w", err)

   if err := c.ReconcileMetric(ctx, pa, resolveScrapeTarget(ctx, pa)); err != nil {
      return fmt.Errorf("error reconciling Metric: %w", err)

   // Get the appropriate current scale from the metric, and right size
   // the scaleTargetRef based on it.
   want, err := c.scaler.scale(ctx, pa, sks, decider.Status.DesiredScale)
   if err != nil {
      return fmt.Errorf("error scaling target: %w", err)

   // 这里开始计算sks的模式应该是什么,当pod正常的时候就serve模式。模式代表的含义?
   mode := nv1alpha1.SKSOperationModeServe
   // We put activator in the serving path in the following cases:
   // 1. The revision is scaled to 0:
   //   a. want == 0
   //   b. want == -1 && PA is inactive (Autoscaler has no previous knowledge of
   //       this revision, e.g. after a restart) but PA status is inactive (it was
   //       already scaled to 0).
   // 2. The excess burst capacity is negative.
   if want == 0 || decider.Status.ExcessBurstCapacity < 0 || want == scaleUnknown && pa.Status.IsInactive() {
      mode = nv1alpha1.SKSOperationModeProxy

   // 根据reversion label获取所有的pod,根据每个pod的状态计算每种状态的pod有多少个。
   // Compare the desired and observed resources to determine our situation.
   podCounter := resourceutil.NewPodAccessor(c.podsLister, pa.Namespace, pa.Labels[serving.RevisionLabelKey])
   ready, notReady, pending, terminating, err := podCounter.PodCountsByState()
   if err != nil {
      return fmt.Errorf("error getting pod counts: %w", err)

   // numActivators就是activator的数量
   // Determine the amount of activators to put into the routing path.
   numActivators := computeNumActivators(ready, decider)

   logger.Infof("SKS should be in %s mode: want = %d, ebc = %d, #act's = %d PA Inactive? = %v",
      mode, want, decider.Status.ExcessBurstCapacity, numActivators,

   // 创建或者更新sks
   sks, err = c.ReconcileSKS(ctx, pa, mode, numActivators)
   if err != nil {
      return fmt.Errorf("error reconciling SKS: %w", err)
   // Propagate service name.
   pa.Status.ServiceName = sks.Status.ServiceName

   // If SKS is not ready — ensure we're not becoming ready.
   if sks.IsReady() {
      logger.Debug("SKS is ready, marking SKS status ready")
   } else {
      logger.Debug("SKS is not ready, marking SKS status not ready")

   logger.Infof("PA scale got=%d, want=%d, desiredPods=%d ebc=%d", ready, want,
      decider.Status.DesiredScale, decider.Status.ExcessBurstCapacity)

   pc := podCounts{
      want:        int(want),
      ready:       ready,
      notReady:    notReady,
      pending:     pending,
      terminating: terminating,
   logger.Infof("Observed pod counts=%#v", pc)
   computeStatus(ctx, pa, pc, logger)
   return nil


// ReconcileMetric reconciles a metric instance out of the given PodAutoscaler to control metric collection.
func (c *Base) ReconcileMetric(ctx context.Context, pa *autoscalingv1alpha1.PodAutoscaler, metricSN string) error {
   desiredMetric := resources.MakeMetric(pa, metricSN, config.FromContext(ctx).Autoscaler)
   metric, err := c.MetricLister.Metrics(desiredMetric.Namespace).Get(desiredMetric.Name)
   if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
      _, err = c.Client.AutoscalingV1alpha1().Metrics(desiredMetric.Namespace).Create(ctx, desiredMetric, metav1.CreateOptions{})
      if err != nil {
         return fmt.Errorf("error creating metric: %w", err)
   } else if err != nil {
      return fmt.Errorf("error fetching metric: %w", err)
   } else if !metav1.IsControlledBy(metric, pa) {
      pa.Status.MarkResourceNotOwned("Metric", desiredMetric.Name)
      return fmt.Errorf("PA: %s does not own Metric: %s", pa.Name, desiredMetric.Name)
   } else if !equality.Semantic.DeepEqual(desiredMetric.Spec, metric.Spec) {
      want := metric.DeepCopy()
      want.Spec = desiredMetric.Spec
      if _, err = c.Client.AutoscalingV1alpha1().Metrics(desiredMetric.Namespace).Update(ctx, want, metav1.UpdateOptions{}); err != nil {
         return fmt.Errorf("error updating metric: %w", err)

   return nil


// scale attempts to scale the given PA's target reference to the desired scale.
func (ks *scaler) scale(ctx context.Context, pa *autoscalingv1alpha1.PodAutoscaler, sks *nv1a1.ServerlessService, desiredScale int32) (int32, error) {
   asConfig := config.FromContext(ctx).Autoscaler
   logger := logging.FromContext(ctx)

   if desiredScale < 0 && !pa.Status.IsActivating() {
      logger.Debug("Metrics are not yet being collected.")
      return desiredScale, nil

   min, max := pa.ScaleBounds(asConfig)
   initialScale := kparesources.GetInitialScale(asConfig, pa)
   // Log reachability as quoted string, since default value is "".
   logger.Debugf("MinScale = %d, MaxScale = %d, InitialScale = %d, DesiredScale = %d Reachable = %q",
      min, max, initialScale, desiredScale, pa.Spec.Reachability)
   // If initial scale has been attained, ignore the initialScale altogether.
   if initialScale > 1 && !pa.Status.IsScaleTargetInitialized() {
      // Ignore initial scale if minScale >= initialScale.
      if min < initialScale {
         logger.Debugf("Adjusting min to meet the initial scale: %d -> %d", min, initialScale)
      min = intMax(initialScale, min)
   if newScale := applyBounds(min, max, desiredScale); newScale != desiredScale {
      logger.Debugf("Adjusting desiredScale to meet the min and max bounds before applying: %d -> %d", desiredScale, newScale)
      desiredScale = newScale

   desiredScale, shouldApplyScale := ks.handleScaleToZero(ctx, pa, sks, desiredScale)
   if !shouldApplyScale {
      return desiredScale, nil

   // 获取deployment
   ps, err := resources.GetScaleResource(pa.Namespace, pa.Spec.ScaleTargetRef, ks.listerFactory)
   if err != nil {
      return desiredScale, fmt.Errorf("failed to get scale target %v: %w", pa.Spec.ScaleTargetRef, err)

   currentScale := int32(1)
   if ps.Spec.Replicas != nil {
      currentScale = *ps.Spec.Replicas
   if desiredScale == currentScale {
      return desiredScale, nil

   logger.Infof("Scaling from %d to %d", currentScale, desiredScale)
   return desiredScale, ks.applyScale(ctx, pa, desiredScale, ps)



func (ks *scaler) handleScaleToZero(ctx context.Context, pa *autoscalingv1alpha1.PodAutoscaler,
   sks *nv1a1.ServerlessService, desiredScale int32) (int32, bool) {
   if desiredScale != 0 {
      return desiredScale, true

   // We should only scale to zero when three of the following conditions are true:
   //   a) enable-scale-to-zero from configmap is true
   //   b) The PA has been active for at least the stable window, after which it
   //       gets marked inactive, and
   //   c) the PA has been backed by the Activator for at least the grace period
   //      of time.
   //  Alternatively, if (a) and the revision did not succeed to activate in
   //  `activationTimeout` time -- also scale it to 0.
   cfgs := config.FromContext(ctx)
   cfgAS := cfgs.Autoscaler

   if !cfgAS.EnableScaleToZero {
      return 1, true
   cfgD := cfgs.Deployment
   activationTimeout := cfgD.ProgressDeadline + activationTimeoutBuffer

   now := time.Now()
   logger := logging.FromContext(ctx)
   switch {
   case pa.Status.IsActivating(): // Active=Unknown
      // If we are stuck activating for longer than our progress deadline, presume we cannot succeed and scale to 0.
      if pa.Status.CanFailActivation(now, activationTimeout) {
         logger.Info("Activation has timed out after ", activationTimeout)
         return desiredScale, true
      ks.enqueueCB(pa, activationTimeout)
      return scaleUnknown, false
   case pa.Status.IsActive(): // Active=True
      // Don't scale-to-zero if the PA is active
      // but return `(0, false)` to mark PA inactive, instead.
      sw := aresources.StableWindow(pa, cfgAS)
      af := pa.Status.ActiveFor(now)
      if af >= sw {
         // If SKS is in proxy mode, then there is high probability
         // of SKS not changing its spec/status and thus not triggering
         // a new reconciliation of PA.
         if sks.Spec.Mode == nv1a1.SKSOperationModeProxy {
            logger.Debug("SKS is already in proxy mode, auto-re-enqueue PA")
            // Long enough to ensure current iteration is finished.
            ks.enqueueCB(pa, 3*time.Second)
         logger.Info("Can deactivate PA, was active for ", af)
         return desiredScale, false
      // Otherwise, scale down to at most 1 for the remainder of the idle period and then
      // reconcile PA again.
      logger.Infof("Sleeping additionally for %v before can scale to 0", sw-af)
      ks.enqueueCB(pa, sw-af)
      return 1, true
   default: // Active=False
      var (
         err error
         r   = true

      if resolveTBC(ctx, pa) != -1 {
         // if TBC is -1 activator is guaranteed to already be in the path.
         // Otherwise, probe to make sure Activator is in path.
         r, err = ks.activatorProbe(pa, ks.transport)
         logger.Infof("Probing activator = %v, err = %v", r, err)

      if r {
         // This enforces that the revision has been backed by the Activator for at least
         // ScaleToZeroGracePeriod time.
         // And at least ScaleToZeroPodRetentionPeriod since PA became inactive.

         // Most conservative check, if it passes we're good.
         lastPodTimeout := lastPodRetention(pa, cfgAS)
         lastPodMaxTimeout := durationMax(cfgAS.ScaleToZeroGracePeriod, lastPodTimeout)
         // If we have been inactive for this long, we can scale to 0!
         if pa.Status.InactiveFor(now) >= lastPodMaxTimeout {
            return desiredScale, true

         // Now check last pod retention timeout. Since it's a hard deadline, regardless
         // of network programming state we should circle back after that time period.
         if lastPodTimeout > 0 {
            if inactiveTime := pa.Status.InactiveFor(now); inactiveTime < lastPodTimeout {
               logger.Infof("Can't scale to 0; InactiveFor %v < ScaleToZeroPodRetentionPeriod = %v",
                  inactiveTime, lastPodTimeout)
               ks.enqueueCB(pa, lastPodTimeout-inactiveTime)
               return desiredScale, false
            logger.Debug("Last pod timeout satisfied")

         // Otherwise check how long SKS was in proxy mode.
         // Compute the difference between time we've been proxying with the timeout.
         // If it's positive, that's the time we need to sleep, if negative -- we
         // can scale to zero.
         pf := sks.Status.ProxyFor()
         to := cfgAS.ScaleToZeroGracePeriod - pf
         if to <= 0 {
            logger.Info("Fast path scaling to 0, in proxy mode for: ", pf)
            return desiredScale, true

         // Re-enqueue the PA for reconciliation with timeout of `to` to make sure we wait
         // long enough.
         logger.Info("Enqueueing PA after ", to)
         ks.enqueueCB(pa, to)
         return desiredScale, false

      // Otherwise (any prober failure) start the async probe.
      logger.Info("PA is not yet backed by activator, cannot scale to zero")
      if !ks.probeManager.Offer(context.Background(), paToProbeTarget(pa), pa, probePeriod, probeTimeout, probeOptions...) {
         logger.Info("Probe for revision is already in flight")
      return desiredScale, false



func (ks *scaler) applyScale(ctx context.Context, pa *autoscalingv1alpha1.PodAutoscaler, desiredScale int32,
   ps *autoscalingv1alpha1.PodScalable) error {
   logger := logging.FromContext(ctx)

   // 获取引用的deployment
   gvr, name, err := resources.ScaleResourceArguments(pa.Spec.ScaleTargetRef)
   if err != nil {
      return err

   psNew := ps.DeepCopy()
   psNew.Spec.Replicas = &desiredScale
   patch, err := duck.CreatePatch(ps, psNew)
   if err != nil {
      return err
   patchBytes, err := patch.MarshalJSON()
   if err != nil {
      return err

   _, err = ks.dynamicClient.Resource(*gvr).Namespace(pa.Namespace).Patch(ctx, ps.Name, types.JSONPatchType,
      patchBytes, metav1.PatchOptions{})
   if err != nil {
      return fmt.Errorf("failed to apply scale %d to scale target %s: %w", desiredScale, name, err)

   logger.Debug("Successfully scaled to ", desiredScale)
   return nil

