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Hi,我是赵化冰,服务网格技术布道者及实践者,腾讯云工程师,曾担任中兴通讯技术专家,Linux 基金会开源项目 ONAP 项目 leader,甲骨文中间件高级顾问等。我创建了服务网格开源项目 Aeraki Mesh(CNCF Sandbox 项目),可以在 Istio 中管理 Dubbo、Thrift、Redis 以及任意私有协议的流量。

工作联系: zhaohuabing@gmail.com


深入理解 Istio — 云原生服务网格进阶实战实体书籍电子工业出版社购买链接
Distributed Tracing with Jaeger, Kubernetes, and Istio在线教程曼宁出版社(美)30% 折扣
Istio 运维实战电子书籍在线阅读

演讲分享 (部分)

2022线上IstioConIstio + Aeraki 在腾讯音乐的服务网格落地下载观看
2022线上A2M全栈服务网格 - Aeraki Mesh 助你在 Istio 服务网格中管理任何七层流量下载
2022线上云原生正发声Areaki Mesh 在 2022 冬奥会视频直播应用中的服务网格实践下载观看
2021线上IstioConHow to manage any layer-7 traffic in an Istio service mesh?下载观看
2020线上CNBPSIstio 流量管理原理与协议扩展下载观看
2019成都Service Mesher MeetupService Mesh是下一代SDN吗?下载观看
2019西安ONAP Workshop基于 5G 网络管理系统的服务网格实践下载
2018南京GNTCONAP 服务网格实践
2017圣克拉拉NAP Developer ForumMSB to Support Carrier Grade ONAP Microservice Architecture with Service Mesh下载
2017圣克拉拉ONSMicroservice Powered Orchestration下载
2017新泽西ONAP Developer EventMSB Technical Deep Dive and ONAP Use Cases下载
2017巴黎ONAP Developer EventMicroservice Bus Tutorial下载


Aeraki Mesh创建者https://aeraki.nethttp://github.com/aeraki-mesh
ONAP项目 Leaderhttps://www.onap.org

About Me

Huabing Zhao is a software architect, an Istio Member and an ONAP PTL. He has a solid experience in the information and telecommunication technology industry for more than 17 years.

Throughout his career, he has built a number of large-scale, cross-country software systems, most of them are still running in production.

He loves open source and has been contributing to various open source projects, he is a member of Istio, previous PTL of ONAP, the author of the Hugo clean-white theme and the open source project Aeraki Mesh.

He also has strong interests in various technical topics such as Cloud Native, Artificial Intelligence, Cryptocurrencies, Smart Home, etc. He love sharing his ideas about these things in his blog.

Huabing holds a BSc in Computer Science and Technology from Chongqing University in China.

Currently, Huabing works as a senior engineer at Tencent Cloud and also wears the hat of PTL in ONAP open source project. For now, his main focus is to build a managed service mesh solution on cloud.

While he is free, he likes writing technical blog posts, watching movies, swimming, hiking, travelling and learning languages.

Feel free to connect Huabing at Github and Linkedin, leave your thoughts in his blog or share your ideas by writing him an email.


Istio Service Mesh Advanced PracticalBook电子工业出版社Buy now
Distributed Tracing with Jaeger, Kubernetes, and IstioLive ProjectManning30% off
Cloud Native Data Center NetworkingTranslation中国电力出版社Buy now
Istio Operation BibleebookRead online

Presentations (Selected)

2022VirtualIstioConTencent Music’s service mesh practice with Istio and AerakislidesVideo
2022VirtualA2M全栈服务网格 - Aeraki Mesh 助你在 Istio 服务网格中管理任何七层流量slides
2022Virtual云原生正发声Areaki Mesh 在 2022 冬奥会视频直播应用中的服务网格实践SlidesVideo
2021VirtualIstioConHow to manage any layer-7 traffic in an Istio service mesh?SlidesVideo
2020VirtualCNBPSIstio 流量管理原理与协议扩展SlidesVideo
2019ChengduService Mesher MeetupWhat Can Service Mesh Learn From SDN?SlidesVideo
2019Xi’anONAP WorkshopService Mesh Practice with 5G Management SystemSlides
2018NanjingGNTCService Mesh in Action with ONAP
2017Santa ClaraNAP Developer ForumMSB to Support Carrier Grade ONAP Microservice Architecture with Service MeshSlides
2017Santa ClaraONSMicroservice Powered OrchestrationSlides
2017New JerseyONAP Developer EventMSB Technical Deep Dive and ONAP Use CasesSlides
2017ParisONAP Developer EventMicroservice Bus TutorialSlides

Open Source Projects

Aeraki MeshCreatorhttps://aeraki.nethttp://github.com/aeraki-mesh